School Bus Drivers
Seeking motivated & enthusiastic individuals who can expect a flexible schedule, a variety of available driving duties, referral bonuses, and the opportunity to work with a great team of people at a reputable, long-standing company. Come drive for Rill’s Bus!
*Part-time position — A minimum of six hours for daily transport of students on school bus routes when Carroll County Public Schools are in session. Additional driving opportunities available for field/sports/charter trips.
*Requirements include a clean MVA driving record, criminal background check, mandatory drug and alcohol testing, and annual medical exam. No previous experience is necessary.
*Employer pays for obtaining CDL license, training, annual physical exam, and all drug/alcohol testing.
*Training provided by the Carroll County Board of Education monthly.
Motorcoach Drivers
Seeking motivated & enthusiastic individuals who can expect a flexible schedule, a wide variety of trips, various driver incentives, referral bonuses, the ability to travel & meet others, and the opportunity to work with a great team of people at a reputable, long-standing company. Come drive for Rill’s!
* Part-time position – Number of hours may vary by month/flexible schedule. One-day & multiple-day trips offered. Various driver incentives available.
* Requirements include a clean MVA driving record, criminal background check, random drug and alcohol testing, annual medical exam, and a minimum of three years commercial passenger driving experience.
*Employer pays for training, annual physical exam, and all drug/alcohol testing.
To schedule an interview and obtain a job application, please contact our office at 410-876-7530 to speak with our hiring manager.
We would love to have you be part of our team!